Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stocking up Fall and Halloween...

Alright ladies, if you are waiting on the halloween goods to finally be listed on etsy, they are all making their way there! It is quite the tedious process to fit in between running a boutique and having toddlers at your feet, but I am trying to get all the fall and halloween pieces listed this week....and then next week I hope to start on Christmas...yikes!

I was driving yesterday on what was the perfect fall sort of day....thinking how I just love this time of I gear up making all the halloween and Christmas things for my boutique, by the time I am thoroughly caught up, it is actually October....and let the festivities begin. I can tell Aspen is the same way, as yesterday for whatever reason she decided to make her Christmas list, as well as London's list...that's right, she has decided to tell London what she needs to put on her list! I don't imagine London will stand for it very long because she already is very boisterous about telling her sister what's what.

And Aspen has told me that she will be a spider for Halloween and London will be a pumpkin. Yep, she picked what her sister should be...we will see about that! Hard to believe a year earlier, she said the exact same thing to me, and she was a spider.

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